Sunday, January 31, 2010



I'm in traffic court. I'm an observer. The people start to enter the court room. We brief the accused not to worry cos they are the family and the judge is their dad. The court begins. The judge is seated and begins to speak over the loud speaker PA. He's in a gray suite. I take a seat in the back of the room. It slopes down, the judge on top, opposite of a stadium. I sit next to the black men who are dressed in suites. The court room is brand new. Gray and acoustic tile. I notice an old hubcap hung on the wall for art. I point out to the men I'm sitting near that there's a giant tractor hubcap suspended from the ceiling too. I make a comment, "Why is that up there for art?"

We're called into the next room. There be an industrial accident. A worker is run over by a scissor lift dump truck. Paramedics are there. It's a beautiful wooden floor room; wood trim, just painted and finished, a large room. A torso of the man is laying on it's back; no head, no arms, no legs. We want to see his stools, so an incision is made just below the rib cage. A bike pump is inserted in the anus. I'm told to build pressure up and force the stool sample out the incision. I'm pumping the air into the intestines. The stool comes out one long piece on a towel.

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