Sunday, January 31, 2010

Old Two Story House


I'm in an old two story house. It's furnished in antique lamps, chairs, painting, sofa, fireplace. I', in the living room. John Lennon's there. We strike up small conversation, all low key. Everything mellow and positive. He has George go get a bowl. We get high. They smoke first. Then John hands me the pipe. It's small, no screen, looks empty. The weeds way down int he small of the pipe. I hit it. It hits good for the little amount of weed in it. We all take off. I return to the house again. I'm not sure I'm supposed to be there but it's okay. It's empty. There's a floor land stand with a light on. It's quiet. It's dark out. I leave again closing the door behind me. I'm walking down a city sidewalk. There are houses on both sides of the street. There are college kids walking around. I become disorientated. I think it's cos I'm high. There are trees in the parking strip.

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