Saturday, December 5, 2009

013009 A Guys House

I'm installing at a guys house. He was at his girl friends apartment. Kids and toys are everywhere. There is a lady kissing kids on the head. She accidentally kisses me on the head through a doorway vale. I'm going “You dont wanna kiss my dirty hair.” Mistakenly, I hit his grunge pipe and drink his beer in a glass. The guy shows me where the antenna goes. The existing one is way up on top of a giant barn. I step back to see it. The antenna's there. There's also a huge Lazar pointed motionized antenna. It's dark gray, over 20 feet long, and like a Star Wars Jedi ship.

I realize I didnt bring my ladder cos I wasnt far away and I have only one install. I get in my F150. I decide to drive over a hill through the field to the road. The field turns out to be nearly vertical. I drive thru the hay rows to the road. I get my ladder. I thought I got my nice orange one. But,, I grabbed my blue one which is unassembled. I get back to the install site. I ask the customer where the cables go. He doesnt know and shows me behind the TV. I try channeling the TV. It's DTV so I cant channel anything but channel 3. I go that's okay. We go out to the antenna. We go in th barn to find a roof access cos my ladder is in pieces. The customer starts digging out hundreds of toys and items to get in the room where the items are. A pet dog yelps after a swimming tube lands on it. I walk back out the thru front. The building is a warehouse. There are out door summer tents inside.

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