Saturday, January 9, 2010

Little Town


Shop in littletown. w/girlfiend. There's a small general store. There are lots of pretty single women around. Everybody all goes outside on a yard along side of store. Lots of single women standing around. Girlfriend walks home east on hwy 212. I stand around awhile. Decide to walk home too. I get going a block or so. Realize the way back is complicated, not just a straight road back, but many winding street blocks. I wonder to myself how she made it back. I get to a school with a dome roof. I go down the steps to a sidewalk which is covered in dog poos. Each pile is lined up in a row, facing the same way. A couple kids come up and go "man that's a lot of poops," A laugh. I make my way past it.

I get to another shop. There are set scenes throughout the shop. One is a hallway entrance. Andy's w/ me. We start repairing their flats. I climb upon it to repair a board that goes across the top. I notice nothing is holding up the flat but nails into sheet rock. It falls over a little. We split because we broke it. There are many scenes in the shop. One is a wire desk and typewriter. I get to the back of the building. There's a kitchen scene. While this entire time no one's around, now there's an old lady at her desk. I tell her we do movies and are very interested in her sets. Her husband, dressed in a suit and tie and his little boy are there. I tell her I'll give her my phone and info so she can contact me about it. I go looking on the desk for a piece of paper to write on words. There are many scrapes of paper but none are blank enough to write on. They keep getting smaller and smaller as I dig through the pile. I find a blank page. I pull off the yellow and pink duplicate copies and sit down to write. The railing is too narrow to find the page onto write.

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