Sunday, January 31, 2010

86th & Morrision

I'm at my childhood house on 86th and Morrision. I have birds. Some love birds, some smaller. They're mean, bite. They get out of their cage and fly from the dinning room through the swinging door and land on the kitchen floor.

I'm at a bar. There's a girl there and Carrie's there. I'm listening to Carrie talk. I'm wondering how I understand her with her thick accent. I go, "I'm gonna go get my weed." I get back and Carrie's gone. I'm in a wheel chair. I leave. There's a stairway. I find the elevator. There are other people in wheel chairs in the elevator. It gets to the ground floor. I get on a bus. It goes the wrong way. I try calling Megan. The cellphone says "no service." I try it again several times. It should be working.

I'm walking back with a 40. Tige Branch walks up and asks if I wanna go to Safeway. I start walking along and decide to ditch my 40. Tiges up ahead a couple blocks. I run. I'm bare foot. There's rocks and glass.


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