Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Blue Bolt of Electrical Energy

Lecture hall. Elevated risers descending to the front row. Where there is to be a stage are large pane glass windows. There are quite a few people in the seats. A few people are just walking around the hall. The doors are in the back. Rows of steps lead down the stands with 12 or so seats between them. I enter the hall through the doors and step down toward the front. As I get to the front first step, I see a large glass bulb moving along tracks that are attached to the ceiling. They go above the steps, down the isle, and turn a few rows up to the right, which would be stage left. They stop over one of the seats seemingly at random, but they can't be random because they are tracks. The bulb enters the hall. It's emitting a bright blue bolt of light. The glass bulb is an upside down tear drop that comes to a long fine tip pointing down. As it travels along the track, the blue bolt of electric energy goes along the floor, up the row and stops over one of the seats that has a table top over it. No one's sitting in that seat. The blue energy scatters off around the room. The bulb and the beam returns along the track up the row, up the stairs and out the door. Everyone is the audience is the same, continuing on as if nothing's happening. Most of the people are in their seats. A few of them are walking around, coming and going from their seats. I'm standing on the floor in front of the first row by the windows. The glass bulb and the beam return. It gets about half way down the stairs when a person in the audience reaches up and puts the tip of their pen up to the bulb touching the bulb. The pen stays attached to the bulb. The bulb stops. The pen's sticking out like a toothpick. The blue energy is holding the pen onto the bulb. I'm going, "Wow, you can get energy off it." Somebody else reaches up and puts four aligator clips of different colors up to the bulb; red, green, blue, and yellow. They each have a curly wire coming off it of the same color. The clips stick to the bulb the same way the pen does. It appears to be taking energy from the bulb through clips and down the wires.

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